Pornography is one of the greatest evils of our era. More and more scientific studies are emerging that show the damage that is done to our person both mentally and physically. There are four important studies on this topic that will help you understand the magnitude of the problem.
The FIRST and most recent STUDY is from the academic journal Archives of General Psychiatry indicating that high consumption of pornography can alter the structure and functioning of our brain causing addictive behavior to emerge. Both having sex and viewing it leads to the release in the brain of a substance called dopamine (a neurotransmitter in the brain related to motor functions, emotions, and feelings of pleasure).
The difference from having sex is that viewing pornography produces a kind of “flood” of dopamine. Excessive discharge of this hormone can cause cardiovascular, kidney, stomach or endocrine disorders, among others. But, in addition, when this discharge occurs, the organism needs to produce them again, so they promote the repetition of this behavior, which can become a vicious circle that leads the individual to lose the ability to govern his own body.
The brain, meanwhile, reduces its activity in the reward centers. The more pornography you see, the less activity, the study concluded. This makes the brain need more dopamine to feel the same effect; that is, it offers us a compelling reason to see more pornography again. Thus the mind of a porn addict presents a constant need for strong stimulation. That is why the brain of a fan of explicit sexual content is compared to that of an alcoholic or a drug addict.
A SECOND STUDY published in the magazine PloS One and carried out by the University of Cambridge (England) revealed that the body
striated or striated nucleus – which plays an important role in the reward center of the brain – was also enlightened when it came to alcoholics and porn addicts by showing them images of their object of desire.
Scientists found that three specific regions of the brain were much more active in people addicted to these sexual contents. Also, watching too much pornography also changes the size of our brain.
The THIRD STUDY carried out by the Max Planck Institute (Germany), and published by the magazine of the American Medical Association, according to which men who spend a lot of time watching internet pornography have less gray matter and register a reduction in their brain activity . For the study, they used a sample of 64 men between the ages of 21 and 45 who watched pornography, a not inconsiderable average of four hours per week. They took CT scans while watching these videos and compared them with the results of when they saw videos of people doing other things, such as exercise. They observed that in most cases, the more pornography a man consumed, the more the neural connections between the striatum of his body deteriorated.
brain and cerebral cortex – area responsible for decision-making, behavior and motivation. That is to say, it developed what has been called Porn Brain (pornography brain: like athlete’s foot but with a greater stigma).
![dibujo cerebro](http://sedientos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/dibujo-cerebro.jpg)
And a FOURTH STUDY published in the
Journal of Sex Research
It shows after observing that some people who consume pornography on the Internet complain about problems such as forgetting important dates, leaving work tasks or neglecting their partners, all of which significantly affect their lives.
Conclusion of all these studies:
- It produces addiction like alcohol or drugs.
- It produces cardiovascular, stomach, kidney, and endocrine disorders, among others.
- Reduces gray matter in the brain and brain activity.
- It produces memory loss.
Pornography is such a great evil that it has the person locked up, like a slave and works in secret. The person knows that what he does does not feel good spiritually or physically, but since it is addictive (like alcohol or drugs) he cannot stop.
The Bible uses terms such as lust (RAE: “excessive desire for sexual pleasure”) or lewdness (RAE: “propensity for carnal delights”). In the book of Galatians they tell us what are the works of the flesh and the works of the spirit.
“And manifest are the works of the flesh, which are: adultery, fornication, filth, lust, …” Galatians 5:19.
Whenever I read this Biblical passage I am struck by how it begins with the sins of sex in the first place when the list of the works of the flesh is numerous. Pornography encompasses all of this.
The Bible encourages us to make a decision in our lives to give up the sin of pornography.
“Let’s walk like daylight, honestly; not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in lust or lust … ” Romans 13:13
We must say enough, and take a purpose that Jesus Christ changes us and transforms us.
“It is enough for the past time to have done what pleases the Gentiles, walking in lusts, lusts, drunkenness, orgies, dissipation and abominable idolatries.” 1 Peter 4: 3
Remember that the Word tells us that everyone who does sin is a slave to sin. In the gospel, our Savior told us:
“If you remain in my Word, you will truly be my disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” John 8: 31-32.
By reading this study, you are learning the truth. If you are knowing how pornography is one of the weapons of the enemy so that you do not seek God and are turned off in your life.
The devil wants us to be slaves to our vices, addictions and sins so that in this way we are not freed by Jesus Christ. If the person keeps those vices and additions secret, better for the devil because he wins the battle.
“Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, that everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. And the slave does not stay in the house forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free.” John 8: 34-36.
The only one who can free us from the evil of pornography is Jesus Christ. If the Son (Jesus Christ) sets us free we will be really free. Meanwhile we will be in the clutches of the devil.
“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father” John 8:44.
We must say no at once, and declare that we are children of God and not children of the devil.
And pornography is the basis of contamination to commit other types of sins both mentally and to put them into practice. These sins are fornication, adultery, and even wanting to go further, losing all sensitivity. In Romans 1:27 the Word tells us:
“And in the same way also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, ignited in their lust with each other, committing shameful acts men with men, and receiving in themselves the retribution due to their loss”
The Lord Jesus told us directly:
“You heard that it was said: You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Therefore, if your right eye causes you to fall, take it out and throw it out of you; It is better for you if one of your limbs is lost, and not that your whole body is thrown into hell. And if your right hand gives you the opportunity to fall, cut it off and throw it away from you; for it is better for you that one of your limbs be lost, and not that your whole body be thrown into hell. ” Matthew 5: 27-30
Do we have to cut off a hand, do we have to take out our eyes? What we must do is remove from our life everything that incites us and motivates us to commit those sins. If you have CDs or movies, throw them away, if you have the Internet that leads you to that, you have to cut it, if you have cable TV that encourages you to watch movies, take it out of your life, if you have friends who invite you to commit this type of sin, change of friends asking God to give you Christian friendships. After all, it’s easier than gouging out an eye, right?
Take an examination of conscience and think about the characters that identify you as a person. If you recognize that you are a slave to some vice or addiction and you want to change your life we invite you:
If you do not know the Word of God, and you have not given your life to Christ, we invite you to receive it into your heart and look for a Christian place where you can gather and know the Word of God that will set you free. Visit our KNOW CHRIST page.
If you are a brother and you still have ties with this type of sins, remember that it is necessary to pray and fast. Confess your weakness with the Pastor of your Church so that he can guide you throughout this process and